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Giovanni Giorgi - HANDS WORKOUT

DAN45 - 9788832008432


Questa volume è stato concepito in base alle richieste e domande che spesso mi vengono poste durante leMasterClass. Gli argomenti spaziano dalla creatività all’approccio al solo, dalla costruzione dei groove allosviluppo di un timbro personale sullo strumento. Non esiste una vera e propria “ricetta” per tutto questo,tuttavia mi ha veramente appassionato cercare di sintetizzare il mio pensiero musicale e trasmettere quello cheho imparato sul campo in anni di Live e Studio attraverso questo metodo.Il libro include le trascrizioni delle mie parti suonate e degli esercizi. Tutti i Playalong, sia nella versione social cheextended, sono scaricabili in mp3 insieme alle tracce click separate: in questo modo potrai importare le tracce inqualsiasi software e realizzare la tua personale versione.


This book has been crafted starting from the questions that I often get during my clinics. The topics space between creativity, solo approach, groove construction and the development of a personal sound. There’s no such thing as a single recipe for covering all these topics, but I really enjoyed trying to summarize my musical thinking into this book and to convey what I learned
by myself after many years of live and studio performances. The book includes full transcriptions of both the song that I played and the exercises. All the play-along tracks, both short and extended versions, are available in mp3 for download, along with their separate click track: you can import them in any DAW to record your own performance.
The book can be integrated by purchasing the original
course, in order to take advantage of the multimedia content as well as the video support.


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Distribuzione esclusiva Volonté & Co (


  • N° Cat: DAN45
    ISBN: 9788832008432
    Pag: 80
    Dim: mm. 225x305
    Audio on line


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